søndag 20. januar 2013

A vintage goldmine!

The vintage knitting company

This web page is an endless source inspiration! But the best thing about it is that you can purchase the patterns as pdf's. Have a good sunday!


onsdag 16. januar 2013


I fell for this cardigan that Gudrun Johnston has designed for Brooklyn Tweed! I also happened to have lots of brown tweed yarn from a stranded project, and thought this project would be a good way to use it. The buttons are made of pewter, and are normally used on traditional Norwegian cardigans. I think it turned out really nice, and look forward to wear it! (So far I'm sticking to my new year's resolution!)


mandag 7. januar 2013

inspired by...THE SPARROW

Inspiration can come from so many places. From random things one sees in everyday life, or from places one seeks for the purpose of being inspired. Small details can trigger great ideas. But sometimes one is inspired by a person, an icon. I will tell you about my icons in "inspired by...".

Edith Piaf

Edith Piaf, what a life, what a passion! And in between those tragic and fantastic events in her life, she managed to do some knitting! Although there are photos of her knitting with both white and red yarn, I think she mostly knitted with black yarn. An idea for a black cardigan is resting at the back of my mind until I have plowed through my ongoing projects. 

onsdag 2. januar 2013


Image from LIFE Magazine

Happy new year to you all! I hope you've had a nice holiday. Maybe you even managed to do some knitting? I think I knitted three stitches in total, as we've been busy visiting family and being ill. I'm just about back in shape now, and I'm ready to get going on my projects again. A few weeks ago I was getting a bit frustrated about the amount of projects going on at the same time. They clog up on me, as I like having a few going on at the same time for variation. But too many just keeps me from finishing any at all, so I decided on having a New Year's resolution. I am going to be better at focusing on, and finishing my projects. I will ignore my restlessness, and keep going! Right now I have quite a pile of work waiting for me, so there should be some finished garments popping up here sometime soon.
